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Zetland Park


Further information specific to the flood defences proposed in Zetland Park (Orchard Street to Dalratho Road)


The alignment of flood defences in Zetland Park was subject to consultation in 2018 and 2019 and further information on the different options that were considered can be found on the pages for consultation event no.1 and consultation event no.2. The preferred alignment identified by the local community through these consultation events, follows the banks of the Grange Burn. 


On the park side of Grange Burn, the flood wall will run between the footpath and the burn from Dalratho Road to the kiosk with the vast majority of the trees in the park retained. We will need to carry out crown reduction works to mitigate the impact of construction vehicles. 


The avenue of lime trees next to Abbots Road will also have to be felled to allow construction of a flood wall. The existing wall next to the road would not protect homes, businesses, people and roads from flooding and needs to be replaced.


In total we expect around 60 trees to be removed from the banks of Grange Burn, predominantly on the Abbots Road side of the burn. These trees will all be replaced by new avenues of trees. 


Plans are provided below that show the extent of tree felling required, as well as highlighting all the trees that will be retained. A further plan shows the proposed tree planting locations.

Tree Condition

Tree Felling

Tree Planting

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