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Latest News Items

23 January 2025

Preliminary Decision

Falkirk Council has made a preliminary decision on the proposed Grangemouth Flood Protection Scheme (GFPS) after it considered an update report today (23 January) at its Executive Committee. Read press release

17 December, 2020

Updated FAQ's

In response to comments the project team have been receiving the frequently asked questions page has been updated. Read our frequently asked questions

November, 2020

New Brand

We are delighted to launch our new brand and logo. In addition we have a new website and you can now follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest developments on the project.

August, 2020

Phase 7 Ground Investigations

The next phase of ground investigations has been awarded to Dunelm Geotechnical and will involve the drilling of boreholes and other investigations in the area south of the M9 around the West Quarter Burn and along the flood relief channel.

21 March 2023

Scheme Noticeboards

The Grangemouth Flood Protection Scheme (GFPS) team has unveiled new information  notice boards for the local community to learn more about its proposed flood risk  management scheme.  Read press release

14 December, 2020

Tree Felling and Planting

Further information relating to tree felling and planting has been added to provide greater clarify on trees to be felled and the replacement tree planting proposed. Read about tree felling and planting

October, 2020

Topographic Surveys

Malcolm Hughes Surveyors have been undertaking further topographic surveys at various locations. This information allows us to build up and understanding of the topography as we develop the plans detailing the position and heights of flood defences.

March 24, 2020


Due to COVID-19 and current government guidance all fieldworks associated with geotechnical investigations, topographic surveys etc have been suspended.

1 June, 2021

Community Engagement

The next stage of the Grangemouth Flood Protection Scheme community engagement programme has been launched. Read more about community engagement

November, 2020

Register for Updates

If you want to be kept up-to-date as the project develops then please complete our registration form, indicating your preferences for paper or electronic updates. We would promote electronic updates to prevent the unnecessary use of paper.

July, 2020

Phase 6 Ground Investigations

Phase 6 has been awarded to Dunelm Geotechnical and will involve the drilling of boreholes and other investigations in the area south of the M9 around the West Quarter Burn and along the flood relief channel.

Falkirk Council Logo all white.png
Jacobs Logo
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