Images and Videos
Images and videos relevant to the Scheme will be published here

August 2020 Flood Event

Winterfest 2021

February 2022 Flood Event

Our winners - The Flood Fixers

Highly commended group - The Tsunamis

Our winners - The Flood Fixers
STEM Learning 2022
STEM Winners Video 2022

Miss Melville, Teacher at Beancross Primary School, Nicole Anderson, Flood Prevention Officer at Falkirk Council and Sharon Agnew, Senior Flooding Officer at Falkirk Council

Mrs Quinn, Teacher at St Frances Xavier’s Primary School, Sharon Agnew, Senior Flooding Officer at Falkirk Council

Miss Quinn, Teacher at St Frances Xavier’s Primary School, Sharon Agnew, Senior Flooding Officer

Miss Melville, Teacher at Beancross Primary School, Nicole Anderson, Flood Prevention Officer at Falkirk Council and Sharon Agnew, Senior Flooding Officer at Falkirk Council
STEM Phase 1 2023

Participants had the chance to design their very own house of the future, creating protective measures against potential flooding events.

One of the future houses equipped with flood defence strategies.

Participants’ problem-solving skills were put to the test on an outdoor obstacle course.

Participants had the chance to design their very own house of the future, creating protective measures against potential flooding events.