The information on this page was correct at the time of the engagement event. The design of the flood protection scheme has evolved and may vary from the information provided on this page
Engagement Event No. 3
June 2021
The project team ran a number of community engagement events in June 2021. These events provided an update on the current status of the project and sought feedback on the proposed flood defences. Two of the events related to general update on the overall scheme whereas the other five events focused on specific communities. Recordings of the events, together with some of the visualisations used in the sessions can be found on each of the community pages below.
Questions submitted during the events and in the submitted feedback forms have been published along with the project teams responses. The Q&A can be found here.
Post Event Summary Report
Following the engagement event a summary report was compiled to summarise the events and record the views of those who completed the feedback questionnaire and/ or provided comments. The report can be accessed by clicking on the icon below: